Two year old coffeeberry

Coffeeberry (Frangula californica)

I’m growing a coffeeberry and Toyon hedge around my back yard fence. This coffee berry plant (Frangula californica) is two years old. It grows 6-15 feet tall, can grow in part shade or full sun, will grow into a thick hedge and tolerates pruning as a hedge. Another common name for coffeeberry is California buckthorn.… Continue reading Two year old coffeeberry

Chaparral Yucca

There aren’t a lot of straight lines in nature, so chaparral yucca really stands out in the landscape. Its leaves are straight and sharp and it looks like a firework. It looks great against California buckwheat, black sage, or rocks. Chaparral yucca stays green all year long. It lives five to ten years and the… Continue reading Chaparral Yucca