Loose parts are things that can be used in open-ended ways. In the garden could be: Loose parts are things you can rearrange and play with — things you can use to sketch out your garden, and that you can move over time as your garden changes and develops.
Author: Jill
Matilija poppy blooming at the entrance to Colby Trail
How I choose local native plants for my garden
I go to local nature areas, and if I see a plant I don’t know, I use the iNaturalist app to identify it. I usually try to plants I’ve seen growing in local nature areas, and I usually choose plants I see growing in dry areas–not plants I see mostly in washes or along stream… Continue reading How I choose local native plants for my garden
Lupine patch in a lawn
Every spring, one of my neighbors lets lupines take over part of their lawn. They stop mowing that patch, and it becomes a wildflower area. I’ve been watching the lupines come back every spring for the last three years. (These photos are from both February and March.)
Orbit mechanical hose timer
I’m trying something new. It’s the Orbit mechanical hose timer, and I got three of them so that I could set up the soaker or the oscillating sprinkler and leave them running, knowing they’d shut off after a certain amount of time. Well, they do work pretty well, but I don’t think my faucets are… Continue reading Orbit mechanical hose timer
California poppies in client gardens
A visit to Plant Material Silverlake
I needed some more coffeeberry plants for a hedge I’m planting in my backyard. Most places were out, but Plant Material in Silverlake had them. What a cute nursery this is! They mostly sell California native plants, but I saw some dwarf citrus for sale there, too. I love their open air supply area, where… Continue reading A visit to Plant Material Silverlake
Ollas are unglazed clay jars with lids. You bury them up to their necks, fill them with water, and the water slowly releases into the surrounding soil. They can water in about an 18 inch radius around themselves, regardless of size. They reduce water loss to evaporation and deliver water to the root zone. This… Continue reading Ollas
Aluminum soaker attachment
This aluminum soaker attachment is great for watering individual plants. Watering individual plants can reduce weed growth between plants, and it can save water, too. This attachment is better than just running the hose at the base of the plant because the water comes out more gently and mulch and soil don’t get washed away,… Continue reading Aluminum soaker attachment
Metal oscillating sprinkler
This is one of my favorite hose attachments for watering. It’s the Melnor metal turbo oscillating sprinkler, and it’s great for replicating rain. I like it in areas where I’m growing wildflowers or watering trees. It can cover up to 4,000 square feet, but you can adjust it to hit a much smaller area.